Current Tournaments
All tournaments taking place in Edmonton are listed on Tennis Alberta's tournament calendar. Click the link below and select Edmonton as your region.
Tennis Edmonton is hosting our 4th Doubles Tournament of the year at the new Saville Tennis Dome! This one-day event on Saturday, November 18, 2023 is open to adults and allows players of all levels to join in some friendly DOUBLES competition as we end the season of 2023. Make sure to sign up before the deadline of Saturday, November 16, 2023 at the end of the day!
Three Categories:
Beginner [less than 3.0]
Intermediate [3.0 to 4.0]
Advanced [4.0+]
Get a free Tennis Alberta recreational membership if you don't already have one. You can sign up here: http://tennisalberta.com/join/ (make sure you choose "RECREATIONAL MEMBER" for free registration)
$40 with free hat!
Saturday, November 18th, from 12:00pm till ~ 6:00pm
Saville Community Sports Centre | 11610 65 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
Games may and can be played as flex (co-ed). However, paired lady partners will be put together in the same brackets to start. Categories may be merged if not enough players sign up.
Please add your doubles parter upon sign up when prompted. Otherwise, select "Player wanted" and organizers will pair you up with a partner provided that there are other individual players that signed up. If there are no partners available, a refund will be issued.
Matches will be played according to the PROSET rules and no ADS. Everyone gets to play a minimum of two games.
No problem! You can sign up by yourself and the organizers will match you up with another player. If you do have a preferred partner, please mention the name of your partner in the registration.
Stay home if you don't feel well, have any COVID-19 symptoms, if you have been in touch with a known case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days, or if you have traveled outside the country in the past 14 days.
Clean your hands with the provided hand sanitizer before and after playing tennis.
Players should be prepared to track their own scores, as score cards will not be available on the court.
Maintain 2 metres distance from other players and organizers as much as possible.
Access to the club house will be limited to washroom use. Participants are asked not to congregate in the club house.